This Categorical Exclusion document (CE) will serve as a formal record for routine maintenance and repairs to non-historic buildings and structures parkwide for the years 2009-2013. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) directs agencies to use CEs for actions, "which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and which are therefore exempt from requirements to prepare an environmental impact statement" (40 CFR 1500-1508). This project is categorically exempt under NPS Director's Order #12, Action 3.4 C(3): Routine maintenance and repairs to non-historic structures, facilities, utilities, grounds, and trails. The activities covered by this programmatic CE are intended to fulfill the 2001 National Park Service Management Policies, which state, "the Service will conduct a program of preventive and rehabilitative maintenance and preservation to (1) provide a safe, sanitary, environmentally protective, and esthetically pleasing environment for park visitors and employees; (2) protect the physical integrity of facilities; and (3) preserve or maintain facilities in their optimum sustainable condition to the greatest extent possible." This CE is intended to cover routine interior and exterior maintenance within the developed footprint of non-historic buildings and structures and applies to all buildings that are less than 50 years old and are not listed on the List of Classified Structures (LCS). Interior maintenance includes upgrading of facilities to meet code, painting, floor and window coverings, wall repairs, and installation and replacement of appliances and utilities in buildings. Exterior maintenance includes painting, roof replacement and repairs, masonry, and fencing. Within historic districts and cultural landscapes, exterior repairs to non-historic buildings are limited to replacement in kind only. Replacement in kind is defined by the Secretary of the Interior's standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as: with the same material, matching the old material "both physically and visually, i.e. wood with wood, etc." Any modifications to the exterior of a building in a historic district or cultural landscape would require case by case review by appropriate Resources Management and Science Division (RMS) and Historic Preservation subject-matter experts.