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Beach Nourishment and Maintenance Dredging at Smith Point County Park and Cupsogue County Park
Fire Island National Seashore » Beach Nourishment and Maintenance Dredging at Smith Point County Park and Cupsogue County Park » Document List
Technical information on the proposed beach nourishment projects was presented at a technical meeting held on February 14, 2008. Information from the technical meeting is available by clicking on the "Documents" link to the left.
A draft EA has been prepared to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed maintenance dredging and beach nourishment and is currently under review by the National Park Service.
A number of communities on Fire Island are also proposing to conduct beach nourishment projects. These projects are being evaluated in a separate Environmental Assessment.
Contact Information
Michael S. BileckiChief, Resources Management
Fire Island National Seashore
Ph (631)687-4760
Fax (631) 289-4898