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Repair Of Ferry Hill Trail
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Repair Of Ferry Hill Trail » Document List
The project will be completed by the 2008 Youth Conservation Corps, led by the park biologist.
The trail will be rehabbed within the existing footprint, using towpath material to build up areas where erosion has taken place. One dead tree must be removed from the corner of one of the switchbacks. This material will be used for trail stabilization and for blocking social trails. If additional logs are needed, they will be taken from the bottom or top of the trail, or from the canal, not from immediately off the trail (as directed by prior compliance). In two separate 10-15' sections of trail, 4X4's may need to be set using rebar, to stabilize failing areas. Work will be completed by a 3 member YCC crew, the park biologist, and the special park use coordinator, mostly with the use of hand tools. The only power tool use will be by the special park use coordinator who, as a certified operator, will use a chainsaw to remove the dead tree before the YCC are on site. All reasonable measures will be taken to prevent off-trail impacts by requiring the crew to stay on the trail, especially in areas of sensitive plant species.
The park's Interdisciplinary Team reviewed the project for impacts to natural and cultural resources. The project does not pose any serious or long-term effects to the environmental, historical, cultural, archeological, or visual resources. A memo to the file has been issued, based on previous project compliance.