Rehabilitate Failing Park Sewage System

Bryce Canyon National Park » Rehabilitate Failing Park Sewage System » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) has initiated planning for a project to rehabilitate a failing park sewage system at Bryce Canyon National Park. The park's existing sewage collection system includes portions originally built in 1958 of clay pipe. These sections of the system and appurtenant manholes are deteriorating into pieces that regularly clog the system and cause raw sewage to back up, leak out of the system into the ground water, and spill out from backed-up manholes.

The project will replace broken and deteriorating portions of the sewage collection system, demolish and replace two failed small independent septic tank and leach field systems with piped connections to the park's main sewage collection system. The project will also recondition one of the sewage treatment lagoon cells; install an inline grinder pump on the main sewer pipe feeding the treatment lagoons, a small wash station, and a water supply line from the visitor's center to the existing dump station at the lagoons.

An Environmental Assessment (EA) is an integral step the planning process for this project. It is needed to evaluate potential impacts to natural and cultural resources from proposed project activities.

The NPS has identified several preliminary issues related to rehabilitation of the park's sewer system that will be analyzed through the EA process. At a minimum, the EA will describe and analyze methods to recondition the park's main sewage system; effects on sensitive species and other wildlife such as Utah Prairie dog; methods to protect sensitive species, wildlife, and meadow habitats during construction activities; effects on cultural resources, and; effects on water quality.

Issues and/or alternatives identified through public scoping also will be addressed in the EA.

Contact Information

Sean Eagan
Program Manager
Resources Management
Bryce Canyon National Park
PO Box 640201
Bryce Canyon, UT 84764

(435) 834-4750