This is a two phase project where phase one will rehabilitate the site where the old market in El Portal burned to the ground. Phase two will install new office trailers in the site to replace office space for the Special Park Uses (SPU) building which is scheduled to be renovated to serve as the new market. Work for phase one includes demolition and removal of the burned market and rehabilitation of the site. More specifically the selected contractor will gather, remove, and dispose of outside Yosemite National Park all burned materials including but not limited to commercial refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, empty propane tank, trees, roots, woody debris, trailer, one 30 foot long trailer, and one 20 foot long storage trailer, as well as all concrete steps, slabs and their associated footings. For the purposes of historic preservation, the existing rock-masonry retaining walls shall remain and not be damaged other than section 18 inches below the final site grading to allow for a properly compact base for the new trailers. Also, all work will be coordinated with park archeological staff, so they can be onsite to monitor the demolition/debris removal. Also, the contractor will be required to first complete all non-excavation debris removal, and then allow 1 calendar week of time for park crews to complete historical documentation of stone walls and tree removal. Work for the rehabilitation of the site includes construction of a rock embankment along the northern edge of the project limits. Existing rock will be reused in the new rock embankment where possible. Upon completion of the rock embankment the former building site shall be regraded with the necessary subgrade backfill compacted to 92% density. The final base material shall include 10 inches of compacted Caltrans Class II, ¾ of an inch minus aggregate to 95% density. All fill material brought into the park requires Contracting Officer's approval and will be certified weed free. Final grading will consist of a proper slope for drainage, uniform surface that blends in with adjacent terrain and no swales to retain water. If funding is available the site will be paved with two, 2 inch lifts of bituminous asphalt concrete for a total compacted asphalt pavement depth of 4 inches. The asphalt shall be compacted to 92% density. Work for phase two included the installation of two office trailers that will be place on the newly rehabilitated site. The existing sewer, water and electrical utilities will be used for the new trailers as it was used for the store. The rented trailers will be placed to each other with 10 feet of space in between which will be used as access to trailers and an outside lunch area to the rear of the trailers. Each trailer will have a gabled roof design as requested and the outside appearance will match the surrounding buildings in the area in color and structural design. Trailers will be a double-wide and a single-wide with both trailers measuring approximately 60 feet in length.