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Parkwide Replace Buildings & Housing Roofs- 2008

Yosemite National Park » Parkwide Replace Buildings & Housing Roofs- 2008 » Document List

The purpose of this project is to replace deteriorated roofing and roof sheathing on various NPS buildings & housing units. Roof structure repairs will be performed if deficiences are discovered upon removal of existing roofing materials. Damaged overhangs will be repaired and re-painted as needed. Each roof will be evaluated individually: although general roof specifications guidelines are used for reference for NPS replacement/repair projects, in the case of listed historic cultural properties, consultation with NPS cultural resource staff determines the type of roofing and other specifications needed to protect and preserve the historic character of these buildings.
Roofs Slated for 2008 Replacement are listed on an attached document.

Historic building information is as follows:
Res. 1- LCS # 012023, 9039 Village Drive, Yosemite Valley- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.36- LCS #012045, 9013 Ponderossa Lane, Yosemite Valley- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.703- LCS #059705, 9761 River View Road, El Portal- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.704- LCS # 059706, 9759 River View Road, El Portal- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district

5/27/2008- Rod Kennec (Historic Preservation) and Sueann Brown (park Historical Architect) were consulted concerning roofing details & roofing materials to be utilized for Historic Structures Res. 1, 36, 703, & 704. Res. 1 & 36 will be roofed with cedar shingles. Res. 703 & 704 will be roofed with non-architectual asphalt shingles.