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Parkwide Replace Buildings & Housing Roofs- 2008
Yosemite National Park » Parkwide Replace Buildings & Housing Roofs- 2008 » Document List
Roofs Slated for 2008 Replacement are listed on an attached document.
Historic building information is as follows:
Res. 1- LCS # 012023, 9039 Village Drive, Yosemite Valley- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.36- LCS #012045, 9013 Ponderossa Lane, Yosemite Valley- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.703- LCS #059705, 9761 River View Road, El Portal- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
Res.704- LCS # 059706, 9759 River View Road, El Portal- the roof is a contributing element to the historic district
5/27/2008- Rod Kennec (Historic Preservation) and Sueann Brown (park Historical Architect) were consulted concerning roofing details & roofing materials to be utilized for Historic Structures Res. 1, 36, 703, & 704. Res. 1 & 36 will be roofed with cedar shingles. Res. 703 & 704 will be roofed with non-architectual asphalt shingles.