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Curry Village Registration Building, Guest Lounge and Amphitheater Rehabilitation
Yosemite National Park » Curry Village Registration Building, Guest Lounge and Amphitheater Rehabilitation » Document List
The Curry Village and East Yosemite Valley Campground Environmental Assessment addresses health and safety, visitor experience, and resource protection issues associated with the poor condition of the lounge, registration, and amphitheater buildings. The project will correct the structural deficiencies of these buildings by rehabilitating building foundations and roof trusses to meet current loads. The project will provide an adequate HVAC system, electrical wiring that meets the current National Electric Code, and a fire alarm and suppression system for each building. The building's exteriors will be restored, including siding, windows, doors and all building trim to a level where cyclic maintenance can be performed without significant restoration. Federal accessibility standards will be incorporated into the project.
The follow-up actions to ensure that implementation of the project adequately addresses NHPA requirements include:
Contract, design, and construction documents must be reviewed and approved by the Park Historic Architect.
The Park Historic Architect must be invited for field inspections during construction to verify the approved designs and materials are achieved.
The Park Historic Architect and Historic Preservation Officer will attend close-out walk throughs.
BRM will provide the Park HPO with copies of the close-out documents or completion report, as appropriate for the project files and archives.
Follow-on correspondence with SHPO to include design plans and construction schedule.
Coordinate archeological monitoring during ground disturbance as determined in consultation with park archeologist.
A temporary facility for the registration activity will be required during the reconstruction of this project. A 24' x 40' trailer with an accessibility ramp will be located in the existing Curry Village registration parking lot. Temporary utilities will consist of overhead power and data lines originating from the existing registration building. Water or sewer will not be provided to the temporary trailer. There will be no ground disturbance requiring archeological monitoring. The location of the temporary trailer was determined in consultation with the Park Historical Architect to minimize impact to the cultural landscape. The temporary trailer will be painted Wosky Brown.
Construction equipment and materials will be cleaned and inspected to ensure that it arrives on site free of mud and seed-bearing material. All staff working on site shall be informed of, and follow best management practices for preventing, the introduction and spread of non-native, invasive species as described in Division 1 Specifications, Section 1355
Landscaping plans shall be approved by the YOSE Veg. and Restoration Branch