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Commercial Use Authorization Stock Use
Yosemite National Park » Commercial Use Authorization Stock Use » Document List
The 2008 Commercial Stock Use CUAs shall be issued in accordance with historic levels of stock use and the associated number of clients/riders with these stocks; therefore, the number of CUAs issued in 2008 will not exceed previous years. Individual holders will be permitted to provide guided pack animal trips and/or pack support trips for hikers in accordance with their historic levels of stock and/or client numbers. All holders shall comply with all requirements, "Conditions of Authorization," and "Special Park Conditions" stipulated in the CUA.
In an effort to work cooperatively in managing and protecting park resources the Office of Special Park Uses will endeavor to maintain positive communication with the commercial stock users. Information and instructions regarding the use and management of identified sensitive resources and resource areas which may be affected by the authorized activity will be disseminated through direct consultation, written and electronic notices, and/or group meetings.