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Backcountry Historic Cabins Repair

Yosemite National Park » Backcountry Historic Cabins Repair » Document List

This project will complete repair work on three historic backcountry cabins, Miguel Meadow and Merced Lake Ranger Patrol Cabins and the Ostrander Ski Hut.

All work will be done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Merced Lake: Work will include rodent exclusion, shake roof repair, door and window repair, and the repair or in kind replacement of logs.

Miguel Meadow: Rodent exclusion work will be performed, as well as roof repair, repairs to the dry laid stone foundation and painting the interior of the cabin. Any necessary repairs to the barn will be made at this time. The logs of the barn will be treated with preservative.

Ostrander Ski Hut: Cloth covered mattresses will be replaced with washable vinyl covered mattresses. Thermal Plastic window liners will be modified to improve fit.

The concrete floors will be repainted, the kitchen counters will be refinished and doors will be replaced on the overhead cabinets in the visitor's kitchen. Siding on the wood shed will be repaired or replaced in kind. Rodent exclusion work will continue. Repairs will be made to the floor of the east side restroom area. The photovoltaic system will be improved and possibly upgraded. A hot water circulating coil will be added to the wood stove and tied into the existing hot water tank. A second waterless urinal could be installed and a free standing, fully self contained composting toilet purchased that would reduce the use of the Johnny cans. Mortar joints will be selectively repointed where necessary.