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Canal Museum Exhibit, Cushwa Basin, Trolley Barn
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Canal Museum Exhibit, Cushwa Basin, Trolley Barn » Document List
In order to provide the necessary security, access, and display elements for the project, the following items will be undertaken at the Trolley Barn.
-Handicap accessibility access
-Security and exit sign upgrades
-Protective UV filters on windows and doors
-Installation of portable air conditioning units
-Installation of free standing exhibit cases
-Installation of overhead exhibit signage on exterior of building
The park's Interdisciplinary Team reviewed the project for impacts to natural and cultural resources. The project does not pose any serious or long-term effects to the environmental, historical, cultural, archeological, or visual resources. It meets categorical exclusion #C.4 – Routine maintenance and repairs to cultural resources sites, structures, utilities, and grounds if the action falls under an approved Historic Structures Preservation Guide or Cyclic Maintenance Guide, or if the action would not adversely affect the cultural resource.
The project also meets the National Historic Preservation Act/Section 106 Programmatic Agreement, Exclusions #IV.B 1 – preservation maintenance (housekeeping, routine and cyclic maintenance, and stabilization) as defined in DO-28; #IV.B 6 – Rehabilitation and widening of existing trails, walks, paths, and sidewalks within previously disturbed areas; #IV.B 9 – Rehabilitation work limited to actions for retaining and preserving, protecting and maintaining, and repairing and replacing in kind materials and features; #IV.B 11 – Installation of fire detection and suppression systems, security alarms, and upgrading of HVAC systems and; #IV.B 12 – Erection of signs, wayside exhibits, and memorial plaques, consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and the accompanying guidelines.