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Tuolumne Meadows Lodge, Restore Landscape Areas

Yosemite National Park » Tuolumne Meadows Lodge, Restore Landscape Areas » Document List

DNC proposes to perform restoration work within the concessioner's land assignment at Tuolumne Meadows Lodge. Proposed work will be consistent with a similar project performed at White Wolf Lodge in 2007. Restoration work will include soil decompaction, trail delineation, planting of indigenous vegetation, correcting site drainage and improving the existing service road through camp.

• De-compaction: De-compaction of the soil will take place to increase water absorption, decrease run-off and help increase vegetation. De-compaction of the soil to achieve the goals above described will take place using hand tools (shovels). USA dig will be used to locate under ground utilities before work starts.
• Delineation of trails: We are proposing delineation of trails within the camp using natural barriers such as rocks and logs. We will work with park Resource Management staff to locate a site (or sites) from where rock can be obtained for this project, although there is some rock in the immediate area. We plan to keep the size of the rocks to smaller than 10" diameter.
• Planting of indigenous vegetation: Planting will take place in late September for 3 days. We will work with and seek advice from park Resource Management staff on the species that are best for the site and techniques for transplanting native plants into the Tuolumne Meadows Lodge land assignment.
• Improve guest experience: Directing foot traffic and decommissioning braided trails will help to minimize the camp's trampled and overused appearance. These are aesthetic changes that will contribute to an improved guest experience.
• Logistics: Volunteers will perform the work. We expect to work with Yosemite Association to acquire 15 - 20 volunteers for 12 days for the first stage of the project. This stage will involve collecting materials, trail delineation and soil de-compaction and will take place the last week of July and first week of August, after the camp is open. The second stage of this project will involve 10 - 15 volunteers and take 3 days. This stage will involve transplanting, seed distribution and mulching and will take place in late September, after the camp closes and before teardown. We will hire Sara Luring as project manager. Sara managed the restoration projects at the other High Sierra camps in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
• DNC would like to rehabilitate the existing service road. The road is currently rutted and rocky, making for an undesirable route, forcing guests to use the braided trails through the camp. This work would require DNC to work with park staff (Roads, Restoration, and the park hydrologist) on a plan that would reduce erosion and protect resources in the area. Final selection of paths to be delineated or decommissioned should be done in consultation with park historical architect and landscape architect. The project will be reviewed onsite with the park archeologist to design and implement measures to avoid impacts to the archeological resource in the eastern project area. A field meeting will be scheduled, well ahead of project implementation, with at least 10 days advance notice to the archeology office.

Sampling will be conducted prior to the start of the project to determine if asbestos is present and the exact location of asbestos containing materials (ACM), and that an asbestos control plan will be established before work commences if the work will impact ACM. If asbestos is present, a Job Hazard Analysis will be developed that recognizes the potential for ACM in the area.