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Chinquapin Restore Rest Stop Structures

Yosemite National Park » Chinquapin Restore Rest Stop Structures » Document List

Background - Per a revised schedule announced in late 2007, the NPS in partnership with the Federal Highways will embark on the renovation of both the Chinquapin intersection and Glacier Point Road sometime in 2010. The proposed work will involve the introduction of many new site features and include the partial realignment of the Chinquapin intersection. The road project does not provide for the restoration of adjacent historic landscape elements (like the comfort station and water fountain); however it does recommend their preservation and will be leaving them in their current condition.

Project Summary – The restoration of the rest stop structures including the historic drinking fountain is a two year project that has been approved for funding by the Yosemite Fund. The project will commence in 2008 with the restoration of the rustic, 1935 water fountain and associated terraces that are immediately in front of the comfort station at the Chinquapin intersection. Work on the water fountain will include resetting loose stones, repointing masonry joints and restoring plumbing to make it operational when potable water is restored to the area, currently projected to occur in 2010 or later. Preservation work on the 1933 comfort station will include trimming of vegetation away from the building and retaining walls and cleaning, repairing and repointing the stone foundation and retaining walls. Restoration of the comfort station exterior will include repairs to the siding, eaves, doors, windows, roof posts, exterior trim, installation of water saving fixtures and the restoration of the lattice entries on both ends. Accessibility to the comfort station will be included in the federal highways intersection realignment project. The interior stalls of the rest-room building currently comply with accessibility requirements but the door openings will be sized to meet ADA guidelines. All work will be done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. If the interior comfort station work (installing water saving fixtures) requires limiting htier access for any period of time, temporary port-a-potties outside of the comfort station will be installed. First year work will begin in May, 2008 and the 2009 work will conclude by September of that year.