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Invasive Plant Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (2012)
North Cascades National Park » Invasive Plant Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (2012) » Document List
Over 200 non-native plants have been documented within North Cascades National Park Service Complex; however, not every species is invasive. For the purpose of this planning effort, an invasive plant was defined as a non-native species whose introduction does or is likely to cause environmental or economic harm, or harm to human, animal, or plant health.
The Environmental Assessment for this plan considered three alternatives: (1) No Action Alternative, Continue Current Management, (2) Preferred Alternative, Integrated Pest Management with Herbicides, and (3) Integrated Pest Management without Herbicides. All alternatives included prevention and early detection of invasive species, inventorying and monitoring the spread of invasive species, prioritizing weed management actions and controlling or eradicating infestations, and undertaking restoration efforts following or in conjunction with eradication.
In 2012, the Regional Director of the National Park Service Pacific West Region signed the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)/decision document for this EA, identifying Alternative 2 as the selected alternative for implementation. Through the completion of this planning effort and selected alternative, North Cascades National Park Complex has developed a well-rounded program to effectively manage invasive, non-native plants within its boundaries, as well as a strategy to prevent their movement from non-park lands.
Enclosed within the "document list" section of this webpage are Frequently Asked Questions, the full environmental assessment, and the Finding of No Significant Impact.
Contact Information
Mignonne Bivin, Plant Ecologist360-854-7335