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Kelson Transmission Cedar Bayou-To-Deweyville 345-Kilovolt Electrical Transmission Line
Big Thicket National Preserve » Kelson Transmission Cedar Bayou-To-Deweyville 345-Kilovolt Electrical Transmission Line » Document List
The NPS will develop an environmental assessment (EA) of Kelson's proposal in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This document will explore a range of alternatives and their possible effects on Preserve resources and values, and will identify mitigation measures that would reduce the intensity of those effects. The EA will enable the NPS to decide whether or not to issue a right-of-way permit for the line, and what form such a permit would take if issued.
The NPS encourages public participation throughout the NEPA process during which the public has two opportunities to comment on the project; once during the public scoping, and again following the release of the EA. We are currently in the scoping phase of the project, and I invite you to voice your ideas, comments or concerns about the project. Your comments will be used to identify issues, areas requiring additional study, and topics that will be analyzed in the EA.
Todd W. Brindle
Contact Information
SuperintendentBig Thicket National Preserve
Attn: Dusty Pate
6044 FM 420
Kountze, Texas 77625
409-951-6868 fax