A new CXT 'pre-cast concrete' Tioga vault toilet will be installed at the Log Yard Campground. This unit will replace a wood vault structure that has been in place in excess of 25 years. Prior to the new installation, the existing structure will be removed. Demolition will entail striping all metal components which will be salvaged, recycling the exterior doors (2), disposing o the wood components, and break-up and removal of the concrete pad and walkways (stockpiled off site for future use as fill). The old vault will be pumped of remaining sludge, treated with hydrated lime, a hole punched in the floor of the vault for drainage, then filled with gravel, capped with clay & topsoil, then reseeded. The new vault toilet will be installed to the west of the present toilet. A new hole for the CXT toilet will be excavated (16.5' x 8.5' x 5'). The vault will be seated on a base of sand, and the sidewalls filled in with crushed stone. Work will be accomplished by full-time permanent park staff. The use of heavy equipment will include a dump truck, a grader, backhoe, dozer, and pick-up trucks. A flat-bed truck/crane for the delivery and installation of the pre-cast vault toilet components will also be employed. All finish grading will be done to blend into the adjacent terrain to create a natural appearing topography. Exposed soils will be reseeded and mulched with straw. The adjacent parking area (accommodating five standard spaces and one ADA site) will be hardened with crushed stone.