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Tuolumne Meadows Search and Rescue Kiosk Improvement

Yosemite National Park » Tuolumne Meadows Search and Rescue Kiosk Improvement » Document List

The project proposes an addition to the existing Search and Rescue (SAR) kiosk and conforms to similar spatial dimensions as a comfort station. At present all emergencies, including search and rescue response, are coordinated out of a single room located in the NPS administration area adjacent to the stables. There is limited storage for emergency equipment, and during an incident there is inadequate indoor work space to coordinate response or support operations. This was highlighted during the Bonaventura operation in the summer of 2007; briefings, designated interview space, and preparations which required access to computers and phone lines all were forced to work directly on top of each other and compete for space. During even small scale operations, the available designated space for coordination is restrictive, with SAR team members preparing for operational dispatch on picnic tables and salvaged bear lockers converted to gear storage. This project proposes the addition of a 20' by 14' extension onto the east side of the cache to provide: 1) a secure briefing area with access to technological support and designated phone lines. 2) efficient storage of equipment - gear is presently stored in mismatched closet space and roof space and sequestered around the operations room. 3) defined indoor space for gear management and demobilization, and bear safe food storage for operational support 4) storage for SAR team personnel response equipment (at present following a call out all T-SAR team members must bring all their gear from the SAR site for every call; if they need additional equipment they must return to the site resulting in delays in response). The SAR cache was built from salvaged materials in 1986 by Mead Hergus and Mark Butler. The proposed extension would be located on an existing vehicle access ramp/road bed, and the extension would be constructed on cement footing requiring minimal ground disturbance. The extension will require the power to be relocated from the present contact point on the upslope eastern corner of the existing building to the eastern upslope corner of the new extension. The interior of the extension will include a repositioned sink from the operations room (currently located awkwardly behind the door); open storage lockers available for each SAR team member's equipment; storage lockers to replace the current roof space storage in the command room; and a work table to support briefings. Sufficient electrical outlets to accommodate the technological needs of modern operations will be positioned around the extension. The additional space provided by the extension will allow the current operations room to be reconfigured, equipment to be more readily available, and for command staff to hold undisturbed closed door meetings without having to issue gear at the same time. The proposed extension will conform to the existing building type in the area. Roof pitch will be identical to the existing structure and the type/color and finished texture of exterior materials will match the existing structure. The project manager will work with the park Historical Landscape Architect and the park Historical Architect to determine appropriate materials and building appearance. The extension will be bear proofed and the two door entry will utilize NPS locks or touch pad to reduce the need to issue keys to T-SAR personnel.