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Ahwahnee Hotel, Replace Steam Line to Dorm
Yosemite National Park » Ahwahnee Hotel, Replace Steam Line to Dorm » Document List
The satellite staging area will be located in the employee parking area. Up to three spaces will be impacted. Material storage will be located in the designated area located north of the cottages (nearby horse training area).
Basic scope of work is to hire a mechinical contracting firm to provide design build services including revised plans based on NPS stipulations and project revisions.
1. Shut off existing steam line;
2. Remove existing steam line in its entirety;
3. Re-grade existing trench with new bedding material (4'W X 4'D);
4. Install new insulated steam line and insulated condensate return line in same trench as existing; use direct push to install line under chiller building;
5. Backfill and compact over new lines;
6. Miscellaneous cut and patching, valves, and other appurtenances associated with the piping will also be included;
7. Archeological monitoring will be performed during all excavation operations.