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Parkwide Communication Data Network

Yosemite National Park » Parkwide Communication Data Network » Document List

Dear Yosemite Friends:

I am pleased to provide you with this copy of the Parkwide Communication Data Network Environmental Assessment (EA). Yosemite National Park proposes to upgrade the park's internal data communication system with modern technology to create a more reliable communication platform, which would greatly improve the safety and efficiency of park operations. It fulfills the requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

This EA describes two action alternatives for how a new system can best deliver communication data throughout the park and also describes the No Action Alternative (maintenance of the current system and operations). It presents an analysis of the potential environmental impacts of each alternative and includes mitigation measures to avoid or minimize those impacts.

In December 2008, Yosemite National Park initiated a formal 30-day public scoping period and hosted public meetings to solicit comments, concerns, and ideas. Public site visits were held in spring 2009. The EA has been prepared with input from the public, American Indian Tribes, and other agencies.

A 30-day public review period commences with publication of this document. A public meeting will be held Wednesday, January 13, 2010, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Mariposa County Government Chambers. Park staff will be available to discuss the project and provide additional copies of the EA. Project information may also be viewed online at Comments must be submitted in writing by February 5, 2009, and may be sent to:

Mail: Superintendent, Yosemite National Park
Attention: CDN EA Fax: (209) 379-1294
P.O. Box 577 Email:
Yosemite, California, 95389

You may also submit comments through the Web-based Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) tracking system at PEPC is a collaborative tool that gives the public unprecedented, easy access to documents used in developing and tracking projects within the National Park Service.

The park considers all public comments in making a decision, which will be documented in a Finding of No Significant Impact, if appropriate. If approved, construction of the communication data network would begin in spring 2010.

We appreciate your interest and welcome your continued participation.


David V. Uberuaga
Acting Superintendent