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Long Range Interpretive Plan

Manzanar National Historic Site » Long Range Interpretive Plan » Document List

We invite you to review the draft of our Long Range Interpretive Plan (LRIP). The LRIP will guide Manzanar's interpretive services, exhibits, and programs for the next decade.

The LRIP planning process was initiated in August 2004 with several days of public meetings at Manzanar. Our goals included addressing multiple historical eras to help visitors understand the context and complexity of Manzanar's past; providing interpretive recommendations for the Block 14 demonstration block; and determining appropriate locations, topics and themes for outdoor wayside exhibits. The draft LRIP is a result of those meetings, as well as from subsequent input from former internees, site visitors and others.

Thank you for your involvement and interest in Manzanar National Historic Site. We look forward to receiving your comments on the draft LRIP.

Contact Information

Alisa Lynch, 760.878.2194, ext. 2711