Cave and Karst Management Plan

Jewel Cave National Monument » Cave and Karst Management Plan » Document List

Jewel Cave National Monument is soliciting public comments on an environmental assessment (EA) prepared for a new Cave and Karst Management Plan. The plan was written to establish and formalize specific direction and appropriate policies for science-based management of the cave and karst resources of Jewel Cave National Monument. The EA's comment period runs until September 7.

Superintendent Todd Suess said, "In this EA we are looking at two alternatives. One would be to continue using our current, mostly informal, policies. Our preferred alternative would result in clearly written policies that provide for better management of cave and karst resources, greater public access, and limited use of herbicides for noxious weed control, based on the local geology, hydrology, and soil conditions. It important to control the weeds, but we want to ensure that herbicides do not enter the cave ecosystem."

Contact Information

Mike Wiles, 605-673-2061 x1226