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Flamingo Developed Area Seawall Rehabilitation

Everglades National Park » Flamingo Developed Area Seawall Rehabilitation » Document List

Dear Friends of Everglades National Park:

The National Park Service (NPS) is initiating an environmental assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act, of options for repairing deteriorating seawalls at the Flamingo Developed Area of Everglades National Park. We are seeking input from interested parties during public scoping to identify the issues, impact topics and scope of the alternatives to be analyzed in the EA.

The intent of the proposed project is to rehabilitate the seawalls and associated facilities at the Flamingo Developed Area in order to avoid structural failure, to address existing and potential public safety issues, and potential effects on park operations, facilities, visitor use and experience.

The Flamingo seawalls and associated facilities were built in 1954 and have deteriorated over the years due to spalling and corrosion, settling, boat impacts and hurricanes. Visible sections of existing seawall caps and pilings are cracking and spalling due to rusting and expanding reinforcing steel, in some cases causing potential tripping hazards for visitors and staff. Pavement cracking and settling along the perimeter of some seawalls also indicates possible failure of the tie rod systems. Failure of a single tie rod could have a rippling effect that leads to failure of a large portion of the seawall system. Catastrophic failure could cause the seawalls to fall into the water exposing buildings and other facilities to storm damage. Failed seawalls could also result in partial or complete closure of the boat basins and boat ramps and prevent public access to Whitewater or Florida Bays.

The results of the scoping process and NPS analysis will be used to help formulate the alternatives addressed in the EA. The environmental assessment will determine the potential effects of the seawalls rehabilitation on natural and cultural resources, park operations, and visitor use and experience.

We invite the participation of interested parties and individuals, local agencies, Federal and State agencies, and Native American Tribes in providing comments and identifying any issues. Written comments may be submitted through this website. Comments can also be mailed to: Flamingo Developed Area Seawall Rehabilitation EA, Attention: Brien Culhane, Planning and Compliance Branch, Everglades National Park, 40001 State Road 9336, Homestead FL 33034

All comments must be received or postmarked by midnight, January 16, 2010.

As soon as the environmental assessment is completed, it will be made available for public review for a 30-day period.

Thank you for your interest in and support of Everglades National Park.


Dan B. Kimball

Contact Information

Mike Savage, Park Engineer and Project Manager (305)224-7776 or by email at: mike_savage@nps.gov

Keith Whisenant, Deputy Superintendent (305)242-7713

Brien Culhane, Chief Planning and Environmental Compliance (305) 242-7717