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White Wolf, Restore Land Assignment Area

Yosemite National Park » White Wolf, Restore Land Assignment Area » Document List

The purpose of this project is to perform restoration work on the White Wolf Lodge land assignment.
• De-compaction: De-compaction of the soil will take place to increase the soil absorption, decrease runoff and help increase vegetation. De-compaction methods could include mechanical and hand. We are proposing using a bobcat pulling a ripper for the area in the middle of camp where it is void of vegetation. The ripper will not go deeper than 6 inches. On the perimeter of camp we will de-compact using hand tools (shovels). USA dig will be used to locate underground utilities before work starts.
• Delineation of trails: We are proposing delineation of trails within the camp using natural barriers such as rocks and logs. We will work with NPS Forestry staff to locate logs from hazard tree removals that match the size (4" – 6" in diameter) we will need for the project. We will work with NPS Resources Management, staff, including archeologists and historical cultural landscape architects, to locate rocks for trail delineation that are not archeological and have the appropriate character compatible to the area, and to design trail delineation compatible with the cultural landscape. One suggestion could be to obtain the rocks from South Landing or from other project staging areas within the park, since there is a shortage of rock in the White Wolf area. We plan to keep the size of the rocks used for this project to smaller than 10" in diameter, so the work can be done by hand.
• Improve guest experience: Create an area on the south side of White Wolf Lodge for guests to wait for their dining tables. Seating for waiting guests using up to 10 large wood rounds or up to 4 picnic tables would be installed. Presently guests sit on bummer logs along side the roadway. This is not only unsightly but is unsafe. This part of the proposal will improve the guest experience and address a safety issue. Placement and design of the sitting area will be developed in consultation with the park historical cultural landscape architect.
• Logistics: volunteers will perform the work. We expect to work with Yosemite Association to acquire 15 - 20 volunteers for 6 days for the first stage of the project. This stage will involve trail delineation and soil de-compaction and will take place in late June, after the camp is open. We have chosen this time because the ground should be much easier to de-compact than if we wait until later in the season. The second stage of this project will involve 15 volunteers and take 3 days. This stage will involve transplanting, seed distribution and mulching and will take place in late September, after the camp closes and before teardown. We will hire Sara Luring as Project Manager. Sara managed the restoration projects at the other High Sierra camps in 2005 and 2006.

Mark Gallagher, representing DNC, has met with Dave Humphrey of the National Park Service to review project details and they have agreed to organize a site visit when the Tioga Road opens for administrative use in the spring of 2007. Mark Gallagher will contact the National Park Service Facilities and Resources Management and Science staff, to consult concerning the collection of appropriate rock, delineation of trails, additional sitting space, and archeological features to ensure that the design is compatible with the cultural landscape and avoids impact to archeological resources.