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White-tailed Deer Management Plan
Valley Forge National Historical Park » White-tailed Deer Management Plan » Document List
Alternative D was selected because it provides efficiency in meeting plan objectives and enhances safety by reducing the time that sharpshooting activities would occur in the park.
The purpose of the plan is to provide a deer management strategy that supports long-term protection, preservation, and restoration of native vegetation and other natural and cultural resources. A second purpose of the plan is to provide appropriate response to chronic wasting disease.
The plan/EIS was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality, the NPS Management Policies (2001), and NPS Director's Order 12: Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision-Making. Through this planning process, the NPS has analyzed a full range of reasonable alternatives and evaluated their impacts on the human environment and ability to achieve the stated plan objectives.
Contact Information
Kristina Heister, Natural Resource Manager1400 North Outer Line Drive
King of Prussia, PA 19406