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Pennyfield Fence Replacement-in-Kind
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Pennyfield Fence Replacement-in-Kind » Document List
The current fence is contemporary and is not the original fence structure, but is believed to on the historic fence line. The fence has aesthetic and practical functions. The fence adds to the historic landscape of the surrounding Pennyfield (Lock 22) area. The fence also serves to keep vehicles out of the yard of the Pennyfield house by connecting directly to a locked NPS gate. Park staff has determined that the fence is a necessary part of the property and that the current fence is beyond repair. The best possible solution is to replace it with an in-kind fence of similar construction and materials. The fence will be painted white with exterior latex paint.
The new fence will be a three-rail post and board fence, nailed with staggered joints. Approximately 650 feet of fence will be replaced with 70 posts. The posts will be 4"x 4" x 6.5' rough-cut oak timbers. The boards will be 1"x 16"x 16' rough-cut oak boards. This lumber has been approved by the National Park Service's Historic Preservation Training Center. The existing post-holes will be utilized. No cementitous material will be used in the post-holes. Posts will be packed tight with tamped dirty crusher run and soil. The ends of the posts will be dipped in a water-based clear wood-preservative prior to being placed in the ground. This project will be conducted by volunteers under the supervision of the park volunteer coordinator.