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Kindee Oil and Gas Wilson Well No. 1

Padre Island National Seashore » Kindee Oil and Gas Wilson Well No. 1 » Document List

Kindee Oil and Gas Texas, LLC
ST 949 #1, ST 945 #1 and ST 949 #2 (Wilson Nos. 1-3)
Padre Island National Seashore, Texas

In accordance with National Park Service (NPS) regulations for nonfederal oil and gas rights, Kindee Oil and Gas Texas, LLC (Kindee) has submitted a Plan of Operations to the NPS to directionally drill and produce the Wilson Nos. 1-3 wells from a surface location on Padre Island National Seashore (the Park) to reach bottom hole targets east of the Park, within Kleberg County, Texas.

This Environmental Assessment evaluates two alternatives for Kindee to drill and produce the ST 949 #1, ST 945 #1, and ST 949 #2 (Wilson Nos. 1-3) wells. Alternative A, No Action, evaluates baseline conditions in which the wells would not be drilled; therefore, there would be no new impacts on the environment. Alternative B, Proposed Action, evaluates Kindee's proposal to directionally drill and produce the wells. Due primarily to the use of directional drilling, there would be no impacts to seagrass beds or algal flats, trees, and cultural resources. Impacts on geology and soils, water resources and floodplains, wetlands, vegetation, natural soundscapes, wildlife, state and federally protected species, and visitor use and experience would be localized and long-term, with direct and indirect, adverse impacts ranging from negligible to moderate. Alternative A is the environmentally preferred alternative.

Public Comment
A notice of availability of the Plan of Operations, Environmental Assessment, and draft Wetlands and Floodplains Statement of Findings will be published in the Federal Register and Corpus Christi Caller Times. If you wish to comment on the documents, you may mail comments to the name and address below or post comments online at http://parkplanning, These documents will be available for public review for 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. Our practice is to make comments, including names, home addresses, home phone numbers, and email addresses of respondents, available for public review. Individual respondents may request that we withhold their names and/or home addresses, etc., but if you wish us to consider withholding this information you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comments. In addition, you must present a rationale for withholding this information. This rationale must demonstrate that disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. Unsupported assertions will not meet this burden. In the absence of exceptional, documentable circumstances, this information will be released. We will also make submissions from organizations and businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives of or officials of organizations or businesses, available for public inspection in their entirety.

Padre Island National Seashore
P.O. Box 181300
Corpus Christi, Texas 78480-1300

Contact Information

Darrell Echols
Chief, Science and Resources Management
Padre Island National Seashore
P.O. Box 181300
Corpus Christi, Texas 78480-1300

361-949-8173 ext. 223