PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Document and Mitigate Shop Road

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site » Document and Mitigate Shop Road » Document List

Fort Union Trading Post needs to improve vehicle access to the fort. Vehicle access is required at the fort at all times for emergency vehicles (ambulance and fire trucks), and is needed on a daily basis for maintenance activities, commercial deliveries, and service staff.

Following the reconstruction of the fort buildings beginning in the late 1980's the road that came directly to the fort from the highway to the north was removed. At that time visitor access was established from the west of the fort in order to preserve the visual landscape. A small parking area was constructed just west of the fort that provides visitor parking and access. There is no access from the parking area directly to the fort itself. An unimproved road provides the only vehicle access and it runs from the park shop to the fort. This road crosses a significant archeological site, is not available in inclement weather, and must be replaced.

Under the National Environmental Policy Act federal agencies are required to solicit public input into the management of their natural and cultural resources. An Environmental Assessment (EA)has been prepared and is posted on this web page. The EA documents three alternatives to the existing road, and the impacts of each alternative to the natural and cultural resources of the park. The park is requesting your review of the alternatives presented. If we have failed to document any impacts please call our attention to it.

Submit any comments, suggestions, or questions to Park Superintendent Andy Banta at 701 572 9083, at Fort Union Trading Post NHS, 15550 Hwy 1804, Williston, ND 58801. You may also comment directly to the park on this proposal by utilizing the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment website (PEPC) at Simply select Fort Union Trading Post NHS from the dropdown list. Comments received by July 28, 2008 would be most helpful.

Contact Information

Andy Banta
Superintendent Fort Union Trading Post NHS
15550 Hwy 1804
Williston, ND 58801
701 572 9083