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Bush Mountain Trail (Manzanita Ridge) Potential Reroute

Guadalupe Mountains National Park » Bush Mountain Trail (Manzanita Ridge) Potential Reroute » Document List

Guadalupe Mountains National Park proposes to study the environmental and social impacts of potentially rerouting a ¼ mile portion of the Bush Mountain Trail near West Dog Canyon. The park desires to provide appropriate trail access for hikers and equestrians through the Manzanita Ridge – West Dog Canyon area of park wilderness. The decision to be made, based on an assessment of alternatives that will be developed in an environmental assessment, will be to either retain the existing trail or to construct a new ½ mile segment of trail across previously undisturbed terrain to correct safety, erosion and maintenance deficiencies. Surveys of the area of potential effect reveal there are no plants, wildlife, cultural or archeological resources that would be significantly affected by the proposal of a new trail segment.

Contact Information

Fred Armstrong, Natural Resources Program Manager
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
400 Pine Canyon Dr.
Salt Flat, TX 79847
(915) 828-3251 x 251