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Broadfoot and Shawnee Horse Staging Areas Environmental Assessment
Ozark National Scenic Riverways » Broadfoot and Shawnee Horse Staging Areas Environmental Assessment » Document List
The alternatives proposed within this EA focus on the protection and mitigation of potential impacts to natural and cultural resources as a result of the construction, maintenance and ongoing use of the staging areas. At both the Broadfoot and Shawnee sites, this EA discusses the no-action alternative, and two action alternatives designed to achieve these objectives, along with the potential impacts associated with each.
Broadfoot Staging Area
• Alternative B1 – No-Action at Broadfoot, proposes no new development or changes in operations.
• Alternative B2 (Agency preferred) – Modification to staging area and selected infrastructure at Broadfoot, proposes trail, road, and staging area modifications.
• Alternative B3 – Removal of staging area and selected infrastructure at Broadfoot, proposes removal of the staging area, retention of vault toilet, and rehabilitation of selected road infrastructure.
Shawnee Staging Area
• Alternative S1 – No-Action at Shawnee, proposes no new development or changes in operations.
• Alternative S2 (Agency preferred) – Modification to staging area and selected infrastructure at Shawnee, proposes trail, runoff, and staging area modifications
• Alternative S3 – Removal of staging area and selected infrastructure at Shawnee, proposes removal of the staging area, retention of vault toilet, and rehabilitation of selected road infrastructure.
The Agency preferred alternative at each site would retain existing staging area function and facilities, while modifying trail access, mitigating runoff, and at Broadfoot, rehabilitating selected roads to reduce impact within the river corridor.
We are seeking public and agency comments on this environmental assessment from April 26, 2006 through May 26, 2006.
**Please note that there are two versions of the EA that you can review, one is in .pdf format and one is in .doc format. The .pdf version is a smaller file and will download faster.