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Preservation Repairs to Wasteweir # 3 at Flecthers
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Preservation Repairs to Wasteweir # 3 at Flecthers » Document List
Timbers to be replaced are circa 1974. All work will be done in accordance to the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation. All OSHA standards will be followed, MSDS sheets for all products will be reviewed, and disposal of all construction related debris will follow appropriate disposal standards.
Preservation work will take place during late 2006 when canal water is at a lower level. The historic waste weir is a critical component for the control of water levels for the canal, including the Georgetown section where the park's canal boat operates for visitors.
This project has been reviewed for impacts to natural and cultural resources by the park's Interdisciplinary Team. The project does not pose any serious or long-term effects to environmental, historical, cultural, archeological, or visual resources.
The project meets NEPA Categorical Exclusion # 3.4 C (4) - Routine maintenance and repairs to cultural resource sites, structures, utilities, and grounds if the action falls under an approved Historic Structures Preservation Guide or Cyclic Maintenance Guide, or if the action would not adversely affect the cultural resource.
The project meets NHPA Section 106 Programmatic Exclusion # IV.B.9 - Rehabilitation work limited to actions for retaining and preserving, protection and maintaining, and repairing and replacing in kind materials and features, consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and the accompanying guidelines.