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Address deterioration of Wilderness Ranger Stations: Le Conte, Rae Lakes, Crabtree
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Address deterioration of Wilderness Ranger Stations: Le Conte, Rae Lakes, Crabtree » Document List
The NPS will implement alternative 3, as described in the EA, which is the replacement of the existing ranger stations with new structures.
The FONSI, along with the EA and wilderness minimum requirement analysis, constitute the record of the environmental impact analysis and conservation planning for this project. All of these documents are also available at:
The EA was prepared by the NPS was released for a 45-day public review on March 15, 2010. The park received six comments during the review period. None of the commenters provided any additional, new, or substantive information or new alternatives that would require revising the EA for additional public review or that would change the determination of effects.
We plan to initiate phase one of this project later this year. The Rae Lakes Ranger Station is our top priority for replacement.
Contact Information
SuperintendentSequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Attn: Wilderness Ranger Station EA
47050 Generals Highway
Three Rivers, CA 93271