This project will correct/preserve fabric failure and related life safety concerns to the exterior envelope, south terrace, terrace doors, windows, siding, pilaster/timbers, and masonry of the Ranger Club. This two-and-a-half story wood frame structures last major restoration effort was in 1991 - 92, and it now has a range of critical to minor problems. The condition of the north end balconies stairs, south terrace, and log pilasters are currently the most serious. These stairs have a deterioration of the stair assembly and railings and structural deflection at the base of the steps. The integrity of the stairs is questionable in the event of a full live load. Failure in these areas is greatly due to the unprotected location and exposure to the elements. Fabric failure is also evident at the base of the log pilasters and associated porch woodwork as well as significant amounts of the T&G decking. This project is intended to: correct fabric failure of the north stairs; replace failed railing; repair water damage at the base of the log pilasters; repair/replace south terrace deck; replace or refinish sections of interior wood floors; paint the entire South elevation and elsewhere where fading and peeling have occurred; and correct minor deficiencies at the south porch, stone foundation, terrace doors, windows, siding, and masonry chimney.