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EA to Determine Appropriate Uses of 1889 Clubhouse, Clubhouse Annex, Brown and Moorhead Cottages

Johnstown Flood National Memorial » EA to Determine Appropriate Uses of 1889 Clubhouse, Clubhouse Annex, Brown and Moorhead Cottages » Document List


Environmental Assessment
Uses of the 1889 Clubhouse, Annex Cottage, Brown Cottage and Moorhead Cottages.

The National Park Service (NPS) is in the process of preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) of potential uses of the historic structures listed above. The purpose of this scoping notice is to inform interested parties of the EA process and to allow the public the opportunity to comment on the Draft EA; addressing those issues and concerns that they feel have particular significance to the park.

Issues and Concerns

An Environmental Assessment has been prepared to evaluate alternatives to determine the appropriate adaptive re-use of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club Clubhouse, the Clubhouse Annex, Brown (Knox) Cottage and Moorhead Cottage, all of which are located in St. Michael, PA.

The No Action Alternative assesses the current use and management of these structures and considers minimal improvements for safety and access.

Alternative 2 evaluates six broad categories of re-use and the potential effects of adapting the structures to these uses.

The EA will apply to the lands administered by Johnstown Flood National Memorial only.

The park welcomes public input regarding the issues and alternatives proposed for achieving the management goals as outlined in the EA. Issues of major importance that have been identified include the effects of the implementation various uses on public safety, air quality, soils, vegetation and wildlife (including threatened and endangered species), cultural resources, wetlands and floodplains, and impacts on adjacent landowners and the public.


The final draft EA will be made available for public review and comment for a period of thirty days, commencing on March 14, 2007. The draft version can be viewed on the internet at The draft EA can also be reviewed at both the Johnstown Flood National Memorial and Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site. The parks plan to hold one meeting to receive comments from the public and interested parties sometime in late March.

Scoping Comments

Please mail or e-mail comments by April 17, 2007 to: Keith Newlin, 110 Federal Park Drive, Gallitzin PA 16641 or

Thank you for visiting the National Park Service Planning, Environment and Public Comment web site. We welcome your attention and review of this important document.

Contact Information

Tom Stinedurf
814 886-6112