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Frederick County Water Intake Sediment Removal Project
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Frederick County Water Intake Sediment Removal Project » Document List
The removal of the sediment will be governed by a Section 404 Permit, issued to Frederick County by the State of Maryland.
This project is necessary for continued operation of the water intake facility that supplies water to the New Design Water Treatment Plant, Frederick County, Maryland. According to water treatment plant operators, the intakes have never needed to be cleaned since the construction of the intake circa 1960. The sediment will be removed to enable plant engineers to evaluate the condition of plant equipment and components.
In order to access the site, established guard rails will need to be removed. Trucks used to transport sediment from the site will be accessing the area via the Frederick County right-of-way, and also NPS property.
The project calls for removal of sediment in one of two ways. First, the sediment could be vacuumed from its resting location directly into tanker trucks for transport off site. Second, the sediment could be pumped to sediment/containment structures that would be temporarily constructed (on grade) on NPS property adjacent to the intake structure. These sediment structures would be built to Maryland Department of Environment standards and would allow clean water to filter out and away from the structure, thus creating a more dense sediment that would be then hauled off site. Care would be given to ensure that the filtered water would not create any erosion once it leaves the perimeters of the containment structures.
Upon completion of the work, the park lands will be restored to pre-project conditions.
While this type of maintenance has never been undertaken, it is being viewed by both Frederick County and park staff as routine type of maintenance necessary for the continued operations of a non-historic utility. The project has been reviewed for impacts to natural and cultural resources by the park's Interdisciplinary Team. The project does not pose any serious or long-term effects to environmental, historical, cultural, archeological, or visual resources. It meets Categorical Exclusion #3.4 C (3) - Routine maintenance and repairs to non-historic structures, facilities, utilities, grounds, and trails.