Mesa Verde NP Invasive Exotic Plant Management Plan

Mesa Verde National Park » Mesa Verde NP Invasive Exotic Plant Management Plan » Document List

National Parks represent complex communities of native plants and animals. The ecological balance within these communities is currently threatened by the invasion of exotic plants. Controlling invasive exotic plants is a serious challenge facing National Park Service (NPS) managers who are charged with the protection of natural and cultural resources. At least 88 species of non-native plants occur in Mesa Verde National Park (MVNP) and Yucca House National Monument (YHNM). Of these, at least 35 species are of particular concern because they are aggressive and invasive and have the highest potential to displace native vegetation. MVNP and YHNM propose a proactive approach to manage exotic plant infestations including mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological control and prevention techniques. This Plan and environmental assessment (EA) examines alternatives for controlling invasive exotic vegetation including the use of goats to manage weeds and the aerial application of the herbicide Plateau.

Contact Information

Yvonne Marlin
Vegetation Program Manager