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Temporary Airboat Concession Contracts
Everglades National Park » Temporary Airboat Concession Contracts » Document List
The NPS has determined that Coopertown Airboat Tours, Gator Park Airboat Tours and Everglades Safari Park are eligible for concession contracts under the provisions of the expansion Act. All three companies are located on small tracts of private land within the Park along Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41), and conduct airboat tours on NPS owned lands. The operators estimate they collectively take more than 300,000 passengers into the Park annually and that business has grown over the past five years.
With over 99 percent of the expansion lands now in federal ownership, commercial airboat tours are occurring on Park lands without the commercial service authorizations required by NPS law and regulations.
The purpose of the proposed action is to authorize Coopertown Airboat Tours, Gator Park Airboat Tours, and Everglades Safari Park to continue to conduct airboat tours within the East Everglades addition of Everglades National Park for a three-year period.
The contracts are needed to allow these companies to conduct airboat tours, consistent with NPS laws, regulations and policies, until completion and implementation of the Park’s General Management Plan (GMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), currently under development. The Record of Decision for the Final GMP/EIS will include a determination on whether or to what extent commercial airboat concessions will be authorized and implemented over the 15 to 20 year life of the GMP. The NPS intends to defer acquiring the operators' land and buildings until completion of the GMP. The issuance of temporary airboat concession contracts is not intended to pre-determine the outcome of decisions to be reached in the GMP process.