Alternative Transportation System Plan

Colonial National Historical Park » Alternative Transportation System Plan » Document List

The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (APVA) and the National Park Service (NPS) are considering an Alternative Transportation System Plan (ATS) that would add a fixed-route transit service within Colonial National Historical Park (Colonial NHP). The transit route would encompass two segments along the entire 23 miles of the Colonial Parkway: the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center to the Historic Jamestowne segment and the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center to Yorktown segment. This project is designed to improve interpretation of Colonial NHP and the surrounding area, and reduce traffic on the Parkway and other park roads as Colonial NHP and its partners prepare for future increases in visitation. Implementing the proposed action would potentially impact air quality, soundscapes, socioeconomic resources, visitor use and experience, transportation and site access, as well as operations and infrastructure. The proposed action would have no impact on cultural resources. This document will be used for compliance with both the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA).

To access the document, use the public ftp link. When you are prompted for a password, type in FTP04npswin. Then click onto the COLO NHP folder.

Contact Information

Dorothy Geyer, Landscape Architect