Increase Cost of Non-Commercial Colorado River Trips

Grand Canyon National Park » Increase Cost of Non-Commercial Colorado River Trips » Document List

Grand Canyon National Park is seeking the public's input on a proposed increase for non-commercial river trip costs. The proposed change would begin March 1, 2025.

The existing $25 lottery application cost fee would remain the same and the flat rate per-person cost would increase: Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek cost would go from $90 to $310 per person, and the Diamond Creek to Pearce Ferry cost would go from $0 to $55 per person.

The National Park Service last adjusted these charges in November 1998. Funds from this proposed increase will allow the park to better cover the expenses needed to protect the Colorado River corridor and mitigate and restore the corridor after recreational use. Non-commercial and commercial river users share these expenses.

Once on this page, please look to the left menu under 'Project Links' for links to Documents and to Comment. The comment period has been extended and will close on February 15, 2025.

For information about permits and overnight hiking in Grand Canyon National Park, please visit the park's website or contact the Backcountry Information Center at 928-638-7875. Phones are answered 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on federal holidays.

Contact Information

Dana Sullivan
River Operations Chief