South Fork Lost Man Creek Forest Restoration

Redwood National Park » South Fork Lost Man Creek Forest Restoration » Document List

In December 2008, we released an environmental assessment on a proposal to thin second growth forest stands in the South Fork of Lost Man Creek near Orick in Humboldt County to accelerate restoration of ecological and structural characteristics resembling those found in old growth forests.

The primary focus of the second growth forest restoration project is to reduce stand density to promote growth and maintain vigor of the remaining trees while protecting adjacent old growth forests, maintaining water quality in riparian habitats, and minimizing excessive fuel build-up on the forest floor. Different thinning prescriptions will be applied throughout the project area depending on slope steepness, available road access, and specific vegetation types. A moderate intensity thin prescription will be applied on approximately 361 acres where trees to be cut are removed from the project area and the available merchantable timber sold by the logging contractor to offset costs for conducting the work.

Contact Information

Leonel Arguello, Supervisory Botanist