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Kauleolī Unit Management Plan
Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail » Kauleolī Unit Management Plan » Document List
To meet legal and policy requirements and fulfill its kuleana to Kauleolī, the NPS must develop a long-term management plan to guide natural, cultural and biocultural resource protection and establish appropriate uses. We have much to learn about Kauleolī and hope you can share what you know about her past, what has changed, and how she should be cared for in the future.
The Unit Management Plan (UMP) will identify a long-term management vision for Kauleolī and help managers make decisions about how to protect resources, what activities and experiences are desired and appropriate, and what facilities and infrastructure are needed to support natural and cultural resource protection, as well as community and visitor uses.
In the coming weeks, this site will be updated with information about public meetings and opportunities to provide comment.