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Restore Saugus River Turning Basin and Dock

Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site » Restore Saugus River Turning Basin and Dock » Document List

June 6, 2007

Dear Friend of Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site

The Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Errata Sheet for the Environmental Assessment / Draft Environmental Impact Report (EA / DEIR) for the project Restore Saugus River Turning Basin and Dock, Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site is available here on the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment internet site for public information

A Certificate on the DEIR (dated December 15, 2006) from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs stated that no major issues remained that warranted the preparation of a separate FEIR. The FONSI and Errata Sheet together with the Environmental Assessment / Draft Environmental Impact Report present the National Park Service's approved action to restore the Saugus River Turning Basin and Dock. Because no major issues remained that warranted the preparation of a separate FEIR a Final Environmental Impact Report will not be prepared. The Environmental Assessment / Draft Environmental Impact Report will not be reprinted.

The principal purpose of the project is to restore the historic waterfront area and tidal marsh at Saugus Iron Works, which have been degraded by sedimentation from a 1957 dam breach. The approved action will restore the turning basin, waterfront structures, and emergent marsh to conditions and contours similar to those found prior to the dam breach. It includes in-kind replacement of the existing dock and bulkhead located along the northern extent of the historic turning basin, and the restoration of aquatic and wetland habitats south of the historic turning basin area.

The project will create an historic landscape that will complement the existing reconstructed iron works buildings, inspiring visitors to experience the scene of the operating iron works from the middle 17th century. The tidal freshwater marsh that will be restored along the river's edge will provide excellent fish and wildlife habitat, and allow scientists, park visitors, and community volunteers to learn about the restoration of this rare community type in Massachusetts.

Please refer to the Environmental Assessment / Draft Environmental Impact Report for a detailed description of the approved action with analysis of the environmental consequences.

Thank you for your interest in this project. Your input has been valuable to the planning process, and we would be glad to hear from you at any time as the project moves forward. Please contact Marc Albert at 978-360-0421 or


Patricia S. Trap
Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site

Contact Information

Marc Albert