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Redesign Kennesaw Mountain Drive to Improve Visitor Experience

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park » Redesign Kennesaw Mountain Drive to Improve Visitor Experience » Document List

The Park is redesigning the Kennesaw Mountain Drive to decrease user group conflicts and allow for the safe operation of a shuttle bus to transport visitors to the top of the mountain.

The proposed changes would include expanding shuttle bus operations to be daily, a pedestrian lane, and limited bicycle access to the road (subject to certain hours). The redesigned road would have a 10-foot shared bus/bike lane on the inside curve with 2-way traffic and a 10-foot pedestrian lane on the outside curve. New pavement markers would be painted along the 1.2 miles of road to delineate separation between pedestrian and bike/bus lanes. In addition, a shuttle stop would be constructed at the base of Kennesaw Mountain Drive next to the Visitor Center.

The Park is seeking public input regarding bicycle use on the road. Please use the "Open For Comment" link in the lefthand menu to submit comments.

Contact Information

Raymond Hamel (770) 615-1800