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Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Multimodal Safety and Operational Improvements Plan/EA
Rock Creek Park » Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Multimodal Safety and Operational Improvements Plan/EA » Document List
These concepts are based on a National Park Service study, completed under a contract with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Volpe center, that examined safety on the parkway and recommended solutions that improve public and US Park Police safety while preserving the historic character of the roadway. A copy of this report is uploaded to this web page. Click on the "Documents List" link on the left-hand side of this web page. In addition, Appendix C - - Vehicle Diversion Methodologies - - has also been uploaded to this web page. Please note that the remainder of the study's appendices are currently being reviewed to ensure full accessibility, and will be posted as soon as reviews are complete.
The project, which will be considered under an Environmental Assessment, will start with public engagement. Please come back to this page to learn about the project meetings the National Park Service will be holding this spring. The National Park Service places a strong emphasis on public stakeholder engagement with projects on federal parkland. It is critical to the mission of the NPS to provide excellent resource stewardship, be a good neighbor and host, and to foster communications that helps the NPS achieve its mission.
If you have any initial questions about this project, please contact Rock Creek Park Resources Manager Nick Bartolomeo at