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A comment period for this project closes
Dec 5, 2024:
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Johnson Tract Transportation and Port Easements
Lake Clark National Park & Preserve » Johnson Tract Transportation and Port Easements » Document List
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires that Federal agencies consider the effects of projects they fund, permit, license, or approve, on historic properties that are listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. As part of its evaluation of the proposed easements, the NPS is developing a Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (PA) with the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer (AK SHPO) and Cook Inlet Region, Inc (CIRI). 36 CFR § 800.14(b)(1)(ii) of the NHPA allows for the use of a PA "[w]hen effects on historic properties cannot be fully determined prior to approval of an undertaking." Providing the public with opportunity for input is an important component of the Section 106 process. We are seeking your comments on the draft Programmatic Agreement including the proposed Area of Potential Effect (APE) which is the geographic area where the project may directly or indirectly impact historic properties.
Comments on the draft PA will be accepted November 5 through December 5, 2024, at 11:59MT. To submit comments, click on "Open for Comment" on the left menu and then click on the "Draft Section 106 Programmatic Agreement - November 2024" link under "Documents Open for Comment."
Thank you for your interest in this project.
Contact Information
Susanne Fleek-GreenSuperintendent, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve