Develop Park Land Protection Plan

Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historic Park » Develop Park Land Protection Plan » Document List

Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park is developing a Land Protection Plan (LPP).

All National Park Service (NPS) units that contain private or other nonfederal land or interests in land within their authorized boundaries are required by policy to complete a LPP to support the Park in achieving the purpose for which it was established.

A Land Protection Plan is a planning document which integrates land protection into the overall park management planning process. Parks use LPPs to document tracts not in federal ownership, determine tracts that support park purposes, evaluate potential protection methods including acquisition (via purchase, donation, or exchange) and cooperative approaches, and apply criteria to prioritize tracts for protection. CEBE has crafted the following criteria to support this prioritization step.

A. Contains significant cultural resources (earthworks, camps, battlefield landscapes, historic/precontact archeology, historic structures).
B. Provides opportunities to preserve or interpret park themes.
C. Provides connectivity between preserved properties for visitor access/trail connections or wildlife corridors/natural resources.
D. Is under a risk of development inconsistent with park goals.
E. Can be feasibly restored to its historic landscape.
F. Is already 'protected' (owned or under conservation easement by NPS or partners) and considered adequately 'protected' and not a high priority for new property interest acquisition.

The NPS is seeking feedback regarding the draft criteria that the park will use to prioritize future potential acquisitions and protection methods at the park.

Contact Information

Karen Beck-Herzog 540-220-7824