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Post Hospital Restoration Project
Fort Davis National Historic Site » Post Hospital Restoration Project » Document List
One goal throughout this project is to preserve as much historic fabric as possible of the hospital building while expanding the interpretive opportunities for visitors. To facilitate this goal, only a few select rooms in the hospital building will be targeted for this project; specifically the north ward, the post surgeon’s office, and the hospital steward’s room. These rooms will receive different levels of treatment beginning first with conservation and preservation of the historic fabric and then expanding that to the restoration and refurnishing of certain rooms. In addition, windows and doors will be replaced throughout the north ward and the administrative building, and a security system will be installed.
An Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect for preserving and partially restoring the post hospital building has been completed and a Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been signed.
To obtain a copy of the Environmental Assessment/ Assessment of Effect click on the Documents & Links button.
Contact Information
FODA_Superintendent@nps.govPark Superintendent
(432) 426-3224