Construct and Supply Curatorial Facility

Dinosaur National Monument » Construct and Supply Curatorial Facility » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is making available for public review the Uintah Research and Curatorial Center Environmental Assessment for Dinosaur National Monument. The environmental assessment (EA) examines two alternatives: no action and the NPS preferred alternative. The preferred alternative proposes constructing the Uintah Research and Curatorial Center (URCC) in Vernal, Utah. This facility would serve as a curatorial center and storage site for one of the National Park Service's most valuable museum collections, which is currently being housed in the Quarry Visitor Center and other facilities throughout the monument. The Quarry Visitor Center would remain open to visitors, but would no longer be used as a curatorial or storage facility. The proposed URCC would allow the museum collection to be properly processed, cataloged, and stored according to NPS museum standards. The facility would be located next to the Utah Field House of Natural History State Museum.

Because public participation is very important to the success of this project, I ask for your thoughtful evaluation and comment. The EA is available for review on the web site (search for Dinosaur NM). Hard copies of the EA are available for review at the Superintendent's Office, Dinosaur National Monument.

For your convenience, either a CD Rom or hard copy of the document is also available. Written requests for a CD Rom or hard copy, or requests to remain on our mailing list for this project, should be mailed to Superintendent, Dinosaur National Monument, at the address below or at

Public comments will be accepted until August 11, 2006. You may post your comments electronically at or mail comments by this date to the following:

Mary Risser, Superintendent
Dinosaur National Monument
4545 E. Highway 40
Dinosaur, CO 81610

It is the practice of the NPS to make all comments, including names and addresses of respondents who provide that information, available for public review following the conclusion of the planning process. Individuals may request that the NPS withhold their name and/or address from public disclosure. If you wish to do this, you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. Commentators using the website can make such a request by checking the box "keep my contact information private." NPS will honor such requests to the extent allowable by law, but you should be aware that NPS may still be required to disclose your name and address pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, or should you need additional information, please contact Wayne Prokopetz at (435) 781-7721. We thank you in advance for your attention, and we appreciate your concern for the future of Dinosaur National Monument.


Mary Risser

Contact Information

Wayne Prokopetz
Chief, Research and Resource Management
(435) 781-7721