Cultural resources investigations at Iyat (Serpentine Hot Springs)

Bering Land Bridge National Preserve » Cultural resources investigations at Iyat (Serpentine Hot Springs) » Document List

A team of WEAR archeologists and a helicopter pilot will base at Iyat (Serpentine Hot Springs) while conducting cultural resources investigations in BELA. These investigations include visits to three shelter cabins (Cottonwood Creek, Goodhope River, and Nuluk River); archeological reconnaissance of the Taylor Highway to Iyat trail, the Shishmaref to Iyat trail, and the potential Ear Mountain to New Shishmaref material source road; and reconnaissance survey in the general vicinity of Iyat. The project is scheduled for July 21-28, 2005. The Shishmaref IRA Council has approved of the project and its timing. Subsurface archeological testing may be performed as necessary.

Access to these sites will be by helicopter (R-44). Any necessary fuel will be cached at the Quartz Creek airstrip. The crew will base out of Iyat.

The methodologies employed during this activity will be determined by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation and best archeological practices. Any impacts to "Wilderness Values" necessary to effect the above considerations will be short term and localized.

The National Park Service has approved this project after reviewing it for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

Contact Information

Sabra Gilbert-Young
National Park Service
P.O. Box 1029
Kotzebue, AK 99752
Ph: 907-442-8343
Fax: 907-442-8316