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FLAG Fire Management Plan

Flagstaff Area National Monuments » FLAG Fire Management Plan » Document List

Dear Park Supporter:
I am pleased to inform you that the National Park Service (NPS) is concluding the planning process under the National Environmental Policy Act for a Fire Management Plan (FMP) for Wupatki National Monument, Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument, and Walnut Canyon National Monument (collectively known as the Flagstaff Area National Monuments). An Environmental Assessment for the FMP was released for public comment during September 2005. After considering public comments and reviewing potential impacts of the alternatives, the Intermountain Regional Director of the NPS has selected Alternative B (the NPS Preferred Alternative) for implementation.

A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) documenting this decision available online at: Choose the Flagstaff Areas, then click on Plans/Documents, then scroll down to Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment.
A hardcopy of the FONSI may be obtained by contacting the NPS at 928-526-1157.

Under the NPS Preferred Alternative, we will finalize a FMP to guide all wildland fire operations and fuels management activities within the Flagstaff Area National Monuments over the next 10 years. The range of fire management strategies to be implemented includes: suppression of wildland fires using the Appropriate Management Response (AMR); prescribed fire; and manual thinning. Fire management activities will be coordinated with the U.S. Forest Service and other local fire organizations. A wide range of mitigating measures have been identified to reduce or negate impacts to public health, human safety, and sensitive resources. Supplemental measures to protect the Federally-listed Mexican spotted owl were established during consultation with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. These are attached at the end of the FONSI, and will be implemented along with each fire management strategy when and where applicable. We anticipate that we will finalize the FMP by January, 2009. If you additional questions please feel free to contact Charlie Strickfaden, Fire Program Coordinator, at (928) 526-1157 ext. 228.

Diane Chung, Superintendent
Flagstaff Area National Monuments

Contact Information

Charlie Strickfaden
Flagstaff Area National Monuments
6400 N. Highway 89
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(928) 526-1157 ext. 228