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Can Young Canyon Aspen Restoration Project
Great Basin National Park » Can Young Canyon Aspen Restoration Project » Document List
Actions proposed include the following:
1) Reduce competition and shading and improve the condition of aspen, riparian vegetation, and wildlife habitat. Use chainsaws to fell pinyon pine, Utah juniper, mountain mahogany and smaller size class white fir (less than 12 inches diameter). Slash and other cut material will be piled and burned at a later date.
2) Ponderosa pine, aspen, and white fir greater than 12 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) and Rocky Mountain juniper trees will not be cut.
3) Slash piles will be a maximum of 10 feet in diameter by 8 feet in height. Piles will be constructed a minimum of 10 feet away from live trees that will not be cut. In areas with high tree densities, this may require dragging and piling slash and other cut material to an open area or constructing piles on the cut stump and within the drip line of the cut tree.
4) Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments.
5) Increase the quantity and quality of wildlife habitat.
Work will be completed by a contractor.
The scope of the project has been limited to avoid ground disturbing activity within culturally sensitive areas. Treatments will not occur April 1 - July 31 to avoid potential impacts to breeding birds.