Merced River Plan Implementation: El Portal Administrative Camp

Yosemite National Park » Merced River Plan Implementation: El Portal Administrative Camp » Document List

This project will rehabilitate the El Portal Trailer Court for use as Recreational Vehicle (RV) camping for administrative use. Infrastructure and utility systems will be rehabilitated or replaced in support of the RV Camping. The alignment and site design of the campground will also be updated to improve natural and cultural resource protection, while implementing current best practices for RV-based campground design and site layout. The Merced River Plan also recommends the restoration of a riparian buffer within 150-feet of the ordinary highwater mark. The project shall include the removal of development, asphalt and imported fill within the riparian buffer area, as well as recontouring as necessary and planting native riparian species.

The project is Action FAC-4-002, and RES-4-008 in the Merced River Plan (MRP) EIS - 2014. Restoration within 150 feet of the Merced River riverbank was common to all alternatives. Development of RV campsites was described in Alternative 5, the preferred and chosen alternative. This project is a Category 3 project in the MRP Programmatic Agreement and required State Historic Preservation Office and Tribal Consultation. Actions are generally covered by the 2014 Record of Decision for the Merced River Plan/EIS (MRP, PEPC 18982). This action, however, was described in the MRP, but not fully developed with in-depth project descriptions and associated maps. The specifics of this project that were not covered by MRP are addressed in this Categorical Exclusion, Mitigations, and Natural/Cultural Compliance sections.